Cybersecurity & Data Privacy

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) makes sweeping changes to the way business is conducted in the state. As the State Attorney General’s office moves forward to implement this landmark privacy law, ACP is working with California lawmakers to ensure the voice of the claims adjusting community is heard.

Existing state and federal laws, such as the California Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act (IIPPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ensure that information collected as part of the claim’s administration process is kept confidential and secure.

ACP is asking that state regulators make clear information collected as part of administering and managing employee benefits, workplace injury, property and casualty damage, and liability claims are exempt from the CCPA to avoid creating confusion and conflicting standards for businesses and the consumers they serve.

ACP CCPA Advocacy Resources:

• Joint industry Letter to The Honorable Gavin Newsom – Request for Postponement of Deadlines for Pending Policy and Regulatory initiatives, April 10

• ACP Op-Ed:  California Regulation Should Pause Privacy Rules, April 8, 2020

• Letter to The Honorable Ed Chau, Chair, Assembly Privacy & Consumer Protection Committee – Exemption from CCPA for Independent Adjusters, April 6, 2020

• ACP CCPA Comment Letter to the Office of the Attorney General, Proposed California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations - March 27, 2020

• ACP - Joint Industry Letter to the California Department of Justice – Request for Temporary Forbearance from CCPA Enforcement, March 20, 2020

• ACP CCPA Comment Letter to the California Department of Justice - Preliminary Rulemaking Activities related to The California Consumer Privacy Act, March 8, 2019

• ACP CCPA Comment Letter to the California Department of Justice - Proposed California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations, February 25, 2020

• ACP CCPA Comment Letter to the California Department of Justice - Proposed California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations, December 6, 2019